Crystals are more than just pretty rocks. Incredible sources of energy, tuned to our chakras, crystal support different facets of our lives. Smoky Quartz is an amazing crystal supporting the root chakra, protecting empaths from the overwhelming energies of the world.

Properties of Smoky Quartz
An excellent crystal for grounding.
Provides the transmutation of negative energies. This is particularly helpful for empaths who are overwhelmed by other people's energy.
Encourages practicality.
Aids in organisation.
Helps with the manifestation of one’s dreams & inspirations.
Powerful in establishing grounding (being in one’s body).
Helps with the clearing and neutralising of energy.
An excellent crystal for protection.
Helps with bringing one’s dreams into reality.
Assist with working with lower vibration entities like spirit guides.
Enhances the ability to work with loved ones who have crossed over.
Enhances practicality & organisation skills.
Increases one's focus, and patience.
Helps counter negative effects of radiation: sunburn, medical radiation therapy, and exposure to focused electromagnetic fields (computer, microwave, electronics).
Note: This crystal requires clearing on a regular basis.
Selecting Your Crystal
If you are able to physically go to the store to select your crystal, using one of the following techniques may be helpful for you. It is important to ensure you are grounded before selecting a crystal from a Brick & Mortar Store.
Opinions on whether or not the properties of the crystals are impacted by the heat-treated version of the crystal are open to debate. It is up to you to select the crystal that speaks to you and to work with it.
When you are ready, sit or stand comfortably with your feet planted firmly on the floor or ground. Picture roots going firmly into the floor or ground while a golden cord extends into the heavens from the head. Take a deep breath from your abdomen and fully exhale. Repeat your breaths twice more.
Brick & Mortar Store
Pendulum Technique
Clear your pendulum.
Ensure you are grounded. Picture tree roots extending from the base of your spine. Take a deep breath, and exhale. Repeat the process twice more.
Hold the pendulum in your non-dominant hand, with your dominant hand underneath.
Ask your pendulum to show you "Yes". Note the direction the pendulum moved.
Ask the pendulum to stop.
Now ask the pendulum to show you "No". Note the direction the pendulum moved.
Ask the pendulum to stop.
Place a piece of Smoky Quartz in your dominant hand under the pendulum.
Ask the Pendulum "Is this piece in my best or highest good?" or "Is this piece meant for me?" or a similar Yes/No question that will allow you to know whether or not the piece is meant for you to purchase.
Note the response.
If the response is no, try the process again with another piece.
Note: If the piece is too big for you to hold you will need to place it on a firm surface and hold the pendulum over top of the crystal while asking the question.
Intuitive Selection
Hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand against your heart.
Ask your guides if this is in your best and highest good.
If you experience a positive feeling then the piece is a good match.
If you experience cold sensory feelings or a feeling of dread, select a different piece and repeat the process.
Online Stores
When purchasing crystals, like Smoky Quartz, online, there are considerations to make. It may not be easy to tell in the photographs, so it is best to be aware:
Smoky Quartz comes in natural forms or heat-treated. If you want natural, be sure you verify which version is being sold prior to purchasing it.
Smoky Quartz is available in many different forms. Raw, polished, points, spheres, towers, etc.
It can be difficult to see the inclusions and the depths of the sparkles within the crystals. The energy of the crystal also cannot be felt.
It is advisable to check the dimensions of all crystals before purchasing.
Note: Online stores use stock images so the image you see will not be representative of the product you receive.
Cleanse Your Crystal
Set your Smoky Quartz on a piece of Selenite for several hours until you intuit the energy of the crystal has been cleansed.
Place Smoky Quartz in water for 1 minute per piece. Gently pat dry.
Place Smoky Quartz within a mixture of sea, rock, or table salt for 3 to 48 hours. Gently pat dry.
Place Smoky Quartz in a bowl with brown rice for 24 hours. Dispose of the rice afterward as the rice absorbed the negative energy from the crystal.
Set Smoky Quartz out before nightfall and plan to bring it in before 11 a.m. It allows the crystal to bathe in the light of both the moon and sun.
Smudge with sage or another sacred substance.
Cleanse with sound.
Uses for Smoky Quartz
Personal Use
Smoky Quartz is a great personal choice for people who wish to have protection from exposure to other people's energy. If you wish to be shielded from the feeling of being overwhelmed, wearing Smoky Quartz or carrying a piece of Smoky Quartz with you is something you may want to consider.
Wear: In the form of jewellery, carry in a pouch, or on your person to help to ground yourself and transmute negative energy.
Place on your desk: A piece of Smoky Quartz on your desk can aid in eliminating distractions, helps you focus and stay on task, set priorities, meet your goals, set and meet deadlines. It can also help with gaining patience to learn something new on the job or in your spare time.
Meditate: Place a piece of Smoky Quartz in your palm while you are meditating. Selecting a smooth, flat rubbing stone for rubbing may be preferable. Remain relaxed and allow the energetic qualities of the crystal to help you receive information from your spiritual self and the Divine.
Placement in the Home
Place Smoky Quartz in busy or high traffic areas of the home where there is a lot of traffic. This aids in dispersing negativity and assists in keeping the space grounded. It will serve as a reminder to everyone to help keep the area an environment where calm, peace, and serenity are encouraged.
Books on Crystals
You can use crystals in grids, healing, and protection, wear them, or elect to add them to your home as decoration. The choice is yours. Building a library of resources to help you determine how to use your crystals may help. These are some of the best books on the market:
The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach by Robert Simmonds & Naisha Ahsian is a solid resource.
The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever by Philip Permutt
The Crystal Healer Volume II: Harness the Power of Crystal Energy by Philip Permutt
The Book Of Crystal Grids: A Practical Guide To Achieving Your Dreams by Philip Permutt
The Little Pocket Book Of Crystal Healing: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever by Philip Permutt
Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 555 Gemstones by Michael Gienger
All of these books are available from Friends and Gems Inc. and online book resellers like Amazon and Indigo.