Sound waves can purify energy, which means you can use sound to clear the energy of a person, place, or item.
Tools for Clearing with Sound
There are a number of different options for clearing the energy of a person, space, or item, including, but not limited to:
tingsha bells
instrumental meditative music
signing bowls
tuning forks (each is tuned to match the frequency of the individual chakra of your body)
Methods of Clearing Using Sound
Tingsha Bells and Chimes
Sounding the Tingsha bells is meant to promote a sense of peace and calmness while inspiring an atmosphere of purity, and inspiring deeper meditation.
Chimes work in a very similar fashion.
This works best for the person who likes to work intuitively to perform energy work. Try different sounds, words, phrases, or mantras until you discover the one that works for clearing the negative energy.
A very cost-effective way of clearing energy is using your own two hands and the physical action of clapping. It clears your energy while clearing stuck or stagnant energy. This technique works especially well in the corners of a room, where energy can become therefore accumulate and become stuck. Start clapping close to the floor, working your way up towards the ceiling.
The rhythm of the drum aligns and resets the energy of the space or person to Mother Nature and the Universe.
Instrumental Music
The use of instrumental music, nature sounds, or Tibetan singing bowl recordings can help cleanse, clear and reset the energy in your space. Find something that resonates with you. It is important to realise clearing energy is an intuitive task for many people and as a result, you may need to be ready to have more than one option to work with for clearing energy from rooms. Developing a playlist for energy clearings is recommended if this is your chosen method for clearing spaces.
Search on YouTube for one of the following terms: nature sounds, Gregorian or Buddhist chants, solfeggio tones, or Tibetan singing bowls to find something that resonates with you.
Singing Bowls
Position the bowl on the palm of your hand, taking your time to feel the bowl’s weight. Gently strike the rim with the mallet. Do this a few more times to get familiar with the sound it produces before proceeding.
Move through your home one room at a time.
Strike bowl three times.
Pay attention to the tone it emits. Dull tones suggest "dead" energy. Playing the singing bowl near these "dead" spots helps restore a positive energy balance.
Play the singing bowl several times near windows and doors as these are portals, where energy outside flows inward.
For any spaces that feel especially troublesome or where you feel anxious, place the bowl on the table in the centre of the room, and play it for a longer duration.
Tuning Forks
Striking a tuning fork emits a sound that aligns and resets the energy of the individual, room, or object.
Note tuning forks have different pitches, set to different tones. Each tone emits a different hertz rating and aligns with a different chakra. When it comes to clearing the energy of spaces and items this is not vital, but it can be more important when working with people. Use your intuition.