Your connection with the universe sends you messages multiple times a day. The Divine blessed you with Clair Senses, the trick is determining, which of the gifts are most prominently or frequently used to deliver the messages needed when seeking confirmation from the universe.
Clairvoyance - clear seeing
People who have been given the gift of clairvoyance receive messages through the flash of pictures or images in their minds or they may experience dreams or mini-movies forecasting future events.
Clairaudience - clear hearing
People who have been given the gift of clairaudience hear messages from what people would consider the spirit world, in their heads.
Claircognizance - clear knowing
People who have been given the gift of claircognizance have a sudden knowledge. This seemingly comes out of nowhere, you do not know where the idea came from, yet you know it to be true.
Clairintellect - clear thinking
People who have been given the gift of clairintellect have the ability to channel thoughts and/or intellect from the Divine into the existing conversation. When you have clairintellect, it is likely you have many epiphanies, you think about something then soon after it happens, or you always have the right words to say.
Clairempathy - clear emotion
People who have been granted the gift of clairempathy have the ability to sense other people's feelings. In addition, they can sense thoughts and symptoms.
There is a difference between "Clairempathy" and "clairsentience", wherein the former sense the emotion while the latter physically feels the manifestation of the emotion.
Clairsentience - clear feeling
People who have been granted the gift of clairsentience have the ability to sense other people's physical, emotional and mental pain.

Clairtangency - clear touch
People who have been granted the gift of clairtaingency have the ability to discern facts about people or things merely by touching them.
Clairsalience - clear smell
People who have been granted the gift of clairalience receive messages through the scents and/or odors other people do not smell. Signs for clairalience could include smelling one of the following scents when nobody else does: the waft of the scent of the perfume worn by your deceased grandmother, the smell of fresh-baked cinnamon buns in your home when you have not baked in months, or the scent of pipe tobacco.
Clairgustance - clear tasting
People who have been granted the gift of clairgustance have the ability to sense the taste of things without actually needing to physically taste the item.
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