It is very important to feel connected with Spirit or the Divine. It helps us to ensure we continue to feel we are not alone on our journey. Taking an active role in the relationship, by ensuring we re-establish the connection each day allows us to feel we have an element of control in a world where so many things remain out of our sphere of influence.
Where do we start?
You awake in the morning, open your eyes and draw your first breath, do you immediately jump out of bed, take a moment to collect yourself or do you stay there and meditate for a few moments?
This can be a great opportunity to take a moment to connect with your team of advisors, the Divine or Higher Power, and the Universe if you can avoid falling asleep again, or if you do not have to meet a prior commitment.
Regardless of whether you remain in your bed or proceed to the bathroom, connecting with your team can still occur. Take a moment to ground yourself. Sit on the edge of your bed, with your feet firmly on the floor or lying down.
Picture a golden cord extending from your head to the sky,
Picture roots going from your tail bone through to the ground,
Take three deep breaths, allowing your abdomen to fully expand and releasing the air fully between each breath.
Once you have allowed the sense of calm and peace to fill you, take note of any messages or feelings you have.
What does establishing a connection mean?
Establishing a connection means different things to different people, but many will describe this experience as a form of meditation where they receive messages as to the direction their day will take or ideas that appear seemingly out of nowhere.
Connecting with Your Team
It is important to remember to ground yourself to help you connect with your team. To start the process, take a cleansing breath or two.
Then imagine you are firmly rooted to the earth. It can help if you picture tree roots growing from your tail bone down to the earth.
Clearing the third eye and your chakras can be helpful in establishing a connection with your team.
Methods for Grounding
There are many different forms of meditation to help you reduce stress levels, which results in positive mental, physical, and emotional health.
This is perhaps one of the most common meditative practices. There are several different types of yoga practiced around the world. It can be done as an individual pursuit or you can enroll in a class, led by an instructor in a studio or via a service like YouTube.
Meditation Apps & Recorded Sessions
There are several different free meditation apps, and recorded sessions available, which help bring you to a deeper state of relaxation. There are meditations based on different spiritual traditions and different techniques. Find the one that works best for you.

Spending Time In Nature
Reconnecting to spirit by spending time with nature allows you to place your feet on the dirt, sand, or touch the trees. Physically grounding yourself will help you to better connect with and receive information from your team and the universe. You get the added benefit of fresh air.
Take a walk in nature, swim in a lake, or hug a tree. Take a moment to drink in the sounds of nature. Listen to as the birds sing, witness the wildlife, and truly revel in the gifts we have been granted.
Remember to breathe deeply and fully from your abdomen. Exhale fully and remember to inhale with the intention of reconnecting with your team.