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Susan Eskdale

Invite Abundance Into Your Life

Most people think of the word abundance in terms of financial security, while this can strike fear into the hearts of many, it is time to broaden this definition to enable you to achieve a greater sense of control over your future.

Let's start with a simple definition of abundance, to get a foundation.


In the very simplest of terms, abundance can be defined as the

plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity. Oxford English Dictionary

If we wish to delve more into a spiritual realm, we can look at this explanation instead.

In a spiritual context, the notion of abundance or plenty is less about material conditions, revolving instead (once basic needs are met), around an appreciation of life in its fullness, joy and strength of mind, body and soul. This is the cultivation of respect for the creative energy of the universe.

Defining Personal Abundance Markers

Each person's reality and past experiences shape their impression of what abundance includes. A partial list was supplied by research from previous research and conversations with past clients.

  • Good health, weight loss, good nutrition/healthy eating

  • Career Success - promotions, retirement, new business, mergers, new job, career training

  • New homes, home renovations

  • New cars or upgrades to cars

  • Marathons, games or matches won, personal bests in races

  • Family: Birth of sons or daughters, grandsons or granddaughters, nieces or nephews

  • New friends, adoption of pets

  • Education, post-secondary education, upgrading

  • Financial planning/fiscal responsibility

Steps for Inviting Abundance

You can honestly and authentically find joy in any area of your life, once you let go of fear and the stress that accompanies it.

The change will not occur overnight, it will require more than just hoping to make it come true but don't worry, this blog will walk you through the steps.

Step 1 Be Grateful

Think about all the areas of your life where you currently experience abundance. Express gratitude for what you already have. Expressing gratitude is an important part of the equation to opening the universe to sending more abundance your way!

Step 2 Identify the Key Area

Identify one key area where you would like to bring a greater amount of abundance into your life. The importance of restricting your focus to one key area helps you to achieve results with greater efficacy.

Step 3 Set an Intention

Set clear intentions for how you will achieve your goals of bringing abundance to the identified area of your life.

Setting Intentions

Abundance includes love, family, health, career, finances, and any other area of your life you can imagine. Some things can prevent achieving success including:

  • lack of planning

  • stagnation due to replaying past failures

  • repeating past mistakes

  • negative self-talk or lack of belief in self

  • looking too far in the future

  • inaction

  • not setting clear intentions

  • refusal to seek assistance


Remember, you may need to enlist the help of your Angel Team or your Spirit Guides. If you require signs, be sure you request signs you will recognise.

Step 4 Action

Ensure you have an action plan, coupled with the faith that all will occur in Divine timing.

Step 5 Receive with Gratitude

To close the loop and to ensure future abundance, always receive abundance with gratitude!

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