Believing in a higher power can make it feel you feel just a little more secure. In the Introduction to Angels blog, an overview of Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and your Angel Team is provided.
Learning how to interact with these ethereal beings effectively through signs is discussed in our Introduction to Signs blog.
This blog simplifies things by using the term Angels to refer to Angels, Archangels, and your personal Angel Team. These principles also can apply to your Spirit Guides.

Photo by Gaston Roulstone on Unsplash
Needing Help
As humans, we do not like the need to admit we need assistance. We agonise over decisions for days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years. Finally, we come to a realisation that we need to call in the big guns and we enlist the help of our Angel Team. If we are wise, we ask for a clear sign to provide confirmation or verification that the decision we are making is in our best and highest good. Yet, we still have doubts, as this is human nature.
Note: Your Angel Team is ready 24 hours a day, seven days a week to come to your aid. It is not an inconvenience to them, and you are not burdening them with your problems.
Ensure what you clearly, need to know. Ask for a sign you will be able to recognise. Watch for the sign to appear.
Is An Angel Speaking to Me?
This is a question that has been posed to many Angel Empowerment Practitioners. The simple answer is "In all probability, yes."
We all have an internal voice that plays constantly in our heads, and it can be very negative. The ego can be very critical of what we do and is very good at pointing out all the potential issues and pitfalls of every situation.
Is it Ego?
If the thoughts are negative or cause fear please understand these are inspired by your ego and are not intuitively received from the Divine or your Angel Team. Replies that provide negative, stress or anxiety-inducing responses, are ego-driven. These are from your mind, you are finding ways to problem to "pre-solve" all the worst-case scenarios you can create and to potentially find ways to block yourself from making the decision that needs to be made.
Ego plays on your deepest fears and anxieties, reminding you of what has gone wrong in the past and what could go wrong in the future. It may appear to be your logical best friend when in truth, it is preventing you from taking assessing the situation clearly without interference.
It is very important to remember to set aside your ego when you are trying to determine whether or not a response to an inquiry is from the Divine (a.k.a your Angels). Angels will not provide a voice of dissent, and cause you to experience fear or anxiety.
Is it an Angel?
Supportive, positive replies are intuitively received from your spiritual team, or Angel Team, providing you with Divine guidance. Your Angel Team encourages you to move towards decisions that are in your best and highest good.
Angels will encourage you to move towards decisions for your best and highest good. Gentle nudges. You may experience physical feelings of warmth, goose bumps, or other positive feelings, almost like a warm hug. Some people report a soft voice affirming positive action, while others indicate the appearance of a butterfly, a coin, hearing a favourite song, or seeing a colour.
How Do I Learn the Angel's Name?
If you wish to speak directly with the Angel or Angels by their names, you need to respectfully request the Angels provide their names to you.
Ask them to speak to you clearly and in a tone that is not too loud or too high pitched or for them to show the name displayed printed in letters so you can see it displayed clearly.