Crystals are more than just pretty rocks, the energy flowing through the crystals aligns with the chakras in our bodies. Each crystal has different properties, supporting the universal energy in more than just providing us with something beautiful to look at!

Properties of Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is known as the children’s protection stone.
It emits the energy of love.
The crystal supports gentleness and emotional healing.
Working with Rose Quartz helps with the release of stress and promotes a sense of calm and peace.
Rose Quartz is used for uniting with the Divine.
This amazing crystal activates the heart chakra.
It helps the holder understand the balance of giving and receiving. It is not an all or none equation. It promotes an "all is one" feeling.
Working with Rose Quartz serves to dissolve feelings of isolation and mistrust leading to the potential to develop trust where warranted.
The use of Rose Quartz opens people to hope, faith, and joy.
Rose Quartz supports longevity and union with All, releasing stress and tension.
It aids in the personal heart connecting to the heart of the earth.
Transforms negativity into compassionate understanding.
Aids in stabilising the physical heart from trauma & imbalance.
Assists in strengthening the heart if weakness exists.
Helps to bring you out of your head & into your heart.
Encourages you to walk in your truth live in your integrity
Selecting Your Crystal
f you are able to physically go to the store to select your crystal, using one of the following techniques may be helpful for you.
When you are ready, sit or stand comfortably with your feet planted firmly on the floor or ground. Picture roots going firmly into the floor or ground while a golden cord extends into the heavens from the head. Take a deep breath from your abdomen and fully exhale. Repeat your breaths twice more.
Pendulum Technique
Clear your pendulum.
Ensure you are grounded. Picture tree roots extending from the base of your spine. Take a deep breath, exhale. Repeat the process twice more.
Hold the pendulum in your non-dominant hand, with your dominant hand underneath.
Ask your pendulum to show you "Yes". Note the direction the pendulum moved.
Ask the pendulum to stop.
Now ask the pendulum to show you "No". Note the direction the pendulum moved.
Ask the pendulum to stop.
Place a piece of Rose Quartz in your dominant hand under the pendulum.
Ask the Pendulum "Is this piece in my best or highest good?" or "Is this piece meant for me?" or a similar Yes/No question that will allow you to know whether or not the piece is meant for you to purchase.
Note the response.
If the response is no, try with the process again with another piece.
Note: If the piece is too big for you to hold you will need to place it on a firm surface and hold the pendulum over top of the crystal while asking the question.
Intuitive Selection
Hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand against your heart.
Ask your guides if this is in your best and highest good.
If you experience a positive feeling then the piece is a good match.
If you experience cold sensory feelings or a feeling of dread, select a different piece and repeat the process.
Online Stores
When purchasing crystals, like Rose Quartz, online, there are considerations to make. It may not be easy to tell in the photographs, so it is best to be aware:
It may be difficult to see the inclusions or flashes in the crystals.
Rose Quartz is available in raw and polished forms.
Remember crystals purchases made online are always a buyer beware prospect. You cannot feel the energy of the crystal or see the true quality unless you are buying in person.
It is advisable to check the dimensions of all crystals before purchasing.
Note: Online stores use stock images so the image you see will not be representative of the product you receive.
Cleanse Your Crystal
Selenite: Set your Rose Quartz on a piece of Selenite for several hours until you intuit the energy of the crystal has been cleansed.
Liquid dish soap and warm water: Rose quartz jewelry, dirty rose quartz stones, or a rose quartz facial roller using liquid soap and warm water. Rinse the crystals and pat dry.
Sea Salt and Water: Soak your rose quartz in saltwater overnight. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt in warm water. Place your rose quartz in the saltwater and leave it to soak overnight. Rinse the stones with warm water and pat dry.
Fresh Rain Water: Put your rose quartz in a colander and put it outside under the falling rain for a minimum of 5 minutes. Gently pat dry.
Moonlight: Purify and charge your rose quartz under the full or waning moon. Ensure the crystals are in a safe place outdoors or place on the windowsill where the moonlight can hit the crystals overnight. The moonlight won’t damage the colour of your rose quartz and will add energy to the crystal.
Prior to Dawn: Place the crystal outside for 1 hour prior to dawn to get exposure to the sunlight. Note: rose quartz can fade or become discoloured if it’s left in the sun for too long.
Smudging: Use sage or another sacred herb to cleanse rose quartz.
Bury: Bury the stone in the ground or in a plant pot for 24 hours to cleanse the energy. Rinse off the dirt and pat dry.
Uses for Rose Quartz
Place Rose Quartz under your pillow: Place a piece of Rose Quartz under your pillow to encourage gentle dreams.
Wear Rose Quartz: Wearing Rose Quartz in the form of jewelry helps to open the heart chakra releasing any tensions or stresses held there.
Placement in the Home: Place a piece of Rose Quartz in the centre of your house to help enhance compassion and heart healing for the entire family and anyone who enters the home.
Meditation: Use while meditating to help help you reach that feeling of bliss, self-love, and stillness.
Carry with you: Carry a piece of Rose Quartz with you in your pocket, in a crystal bag, or in your wallet to remind you of the presence of self-love and your capacity to love others.
Books on Crystals
You can use crystals in grids, healing, and protection, wear them, or elect to add them to your home as decoration. The choice is yours. Building a library of resources to help you determine how to use your crystals may help. These are some of the best books on the market:
The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach by Robert Simmonds & Naisha Ahsian is a solid resource.
The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever by Philip Permutt
The Crystal Healer Volume II: Harness the Power of Crystal Energy by Philip Permutt
The Book Of Crystal Grids: A Practical Guide To Achieving Your Dreams by Philip Permutt
The Little Pocket Book Of Crystal Healing: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever by Philip Permutt
Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 555 Gemstones by Michael Gienger
All of these books are available from Friends and Gems Inc. and online book resellers like Amazon and Indigo.