Energy centres run the length of your body and when the pathway from the top of your head to the base of your spine is disrupted, your well-being can be negatively impacted. Reiki is the of practice restoring the flow of energy through these chakras.

Definition of Reiki
The literal translation of Reiki must be done in two parts "Rei" and "Ki".
Rei is the Japanese word for "God's Wisdom or a higher power".
Ki is the Japanese word for "life force energy".
As a result, you can translate the term Reiki as a "spiritually-guided life force".
You can define Reiki as a Japanese technique for stress reduction, release, relaxation, and promotion of healing.
It can be defined as an energy healing technique delivered in person or via the laying on of hands.
Pronunciation is "Lay" "key" not "Ray" "Key", this error in pronunciation was a result of an error made when the romaji characters that form the English alphabet were assigned to Japanese words. The “L” sound in Japanese was mistakenly given an “R” to represent it.
Brief History of Reiki
Prior to the development of the Reiki method created by Mikao Usui in 1922, there were at least four other styles of Reiki being practiced in Japan.
Reiki Ryoho was created by Martiji Kawakami circa, 1914
Reikan Tonetsu Ryoho was created by Reikaku Ishinuki
Senshinryu Reiki Ryoho was created by Kogetsu Matsubara
Swas eido Reishojutsu was created by Reisen Oyama
Maiko Usui
Usui, while on a climb, Mount Kurama, began fasting to complete penance. On his 21st day into the journey, a Reiki symbol appeared to him and he felt a great spiritual awakening occur. He had received a Reiki cure. When he tried it on himself and members of his family, immediate relief was felt.
In April 1922, he established a Reiki institute in Tokyo explaining to teach this skill to others explaining “It is much better to give this power widely to a lot of people in the world and enjoy it among them than to keep it exclusively by his family members”.
Chujiro Hayashi
Before his passing, Usui Sensei requested to open his own Reiki clinic with the purpose of expanding and developing the Reiki Ryoho techniques. Hayashi Sensei opened the combination school and clinic called Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai (Institute).
Usui versus Ryoho
Usui had one person delivering the treatment and the person is in a seated position.
Ryoho used more than one person to deliver the treatment and the person is laying down.
A new more effective system for giving Reiju (attunements) for Ryoho.
A new training system for Ryoho, levels I and II were taught together in a five-day seminar to help students. Each day includes two to three hours of instruction and one attunement.
Hawayo Takata
Considered the person to bring Reiki to the Western world, Takata found Reiki trip to accompany her deceased sister's body to Japan and visit her parents. While she was there she felt she might seek assistance issues plaguing her.
A trip to Hayashi Sensei’s clinic instead of the hospital resulted in her first experience with Reiki. Within the span of four months and two practitioners treating her daily, she was completely healed from gallstones, a tumor, and appendicitis. It was her desire to learn Reiki and in the
Spring of 1937, she received her First Degree from Dr. Hayashi. Within a year of working with him, she received her Second Degree Reiki. Returning to Hawaii in 1937, Mrs. Takata was followed shortly thereafter by Hayashi Sensei and his daughter, who came to help establish Reiki there. In February 1938, Hayashi Sensei initiated Hawayo Takata as a Reiki Master.
Takata established multiple clinics across Hawaii and created a teaching method different from those who came before her. She indicated the Japanese system was too complicated for Western minds to learn and so she created the foundation system.
Foundation Treatment
Instead of solely being intuitively guided where to place hands, there are 8 hand positions, located on the abdomen, the shoulders, and the head. She also included some additional positions for the back if the client required additional healing support.
Each level of Reiki has been assigned a different attunement method,
Takata actually taught her students attunements empowered the symbols.
A Master symbol was given to Master students. In her system, this Master symbol was needed to give attunements. Additionally, this Master symbol could serve the purpose of providing healings when used during Reiki sessions.
Had it not been for Takata, it is likely Reiki would have disappeared from Japan as a result of the terms of the unconditional surrender of Japan at the end of World War II. One condition was for all those providing healing to be licensed, but not everyone wanted to comply with these conditions. The result was Reiki Ryoho Gakkai deciding they did not wish to become licensed and moved underground instead.
Takata had already returned to Hawaii before the War and had started training people in the practice of Reiki. She trained 22 Masters before her death.
Click here to view a more detailed history of Reiki. Please note you will be visiting an external website.
Reiki Treatments
Lifeforce flows through your body's chakras, meridians, and nadis, and flows around us in our aura. When this force is disrupted, then we may experience physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual ramifications.
Reiki uses the practitioner to channel energy through the power of the Divine or a Higher Power to the body, mind, body, spirit, and emotion. through the energy pathways.
Benefits of Reiki
Can be delivered in person.
Can be delivered remotely.
A person does not have to be awake or conscious (i.e. can be in a coma) to receive Reiki healing.
Can be delivered by one practitioner or more than one person.
Can be done on infants, expectant mothers, senior citizens.
Effective on animals.
No equipment is required for treatment.
No known risks or side-effects to receiving Reiki
Reiki & Western Medicine
Please seek the advice of a medical treatment provider for medical issues. It is important to know if you might be suffering from a serious medical issue requiring treatment with medication, surgery, or other interventions. Once this has been determined, you will be secure in the knowledge of how to best know how to deal with your health and well-being using Western Medicine. You are then free to add alternative healing methods like energy healing to your arsenal.
Reiki can be used in conjunction with Western Medicine without causing any side effects.
Will not interact with your medication.
Will not interfere with exercise restrictions required by surgeries.
No restrictions of any kind are added to your life by receiving a Reiki treatment.
While Reiki will not harm you, it is always best to know if your issue is of medical concern before trying to "treat" it with energy work. Please remember to use therapies healing modalities like Reiki, to support healing and well-being instead of using it as a replacement for medical treatment. Reiki can always be used in conjunction with Western medicine so please do not hesitate to have Reiki treatments after you seek treatment from advice and treatment from a doctor!